“Her mission is to take care of people and make it easy for everyone to experience Pilates in the most positive and personal way, independently of age or body type.
All bodies are beautiful and exquisite in the potential they can achieve. Pilates is designed for all and a pleasant transformation journey for a better life and longevity.”
She is thrilled to show off her fresh new look and identity and welcome you all to the next chapter!
About me and the studio
After many years in fitness, she fell in love with Joseph Pilates method. She took extensive training with some of the industry leaders and left a long career in fitness to start Energize Pilates studio in 2010, when Pilates was just taking off in Australia.
She received her Pilates training in 2009 through Polestar Pilates and is Diploma level qualified.
Dimitria took off to become a beautiful story, where the power of what Pilates has to offer, engaged people of all walks of life. Regardless of gender, age or body type, Pilates became a gateway to mind and body transformations, even for those without prior exercise routines and who thought they could never do it fell in love!
Over the years she’s been praised for her vibrant and caring way of teaching, infusing energy and love in every session, creating a uplifting experience. Get ready for some shared laughter- it’s all part of the experience!
Performed on a mat, it involves a series of bodyweight exercises, developed by Joseph Pilates. the founder of the Pilates method. Mat is about the ‘original 34’ exercises with our community. We spin our own style of mat.
They will strengthen your deep abdominal muscles to develop pelvic and scapula stability, creating a connection between your breath and movement, and improved stretching.
The connection with your transverse abdominals, your pelvic floor and your back muscles, allows every movement to be executed in a safe and controlled manner.
You workout in these classes, but I think you can always expect the 100 or the Ab series to pop up in class.
The mat helps you find & work your own body’s resistance, to get that “I’ve been worked glow” post class.
Mat can be using a selection of props. Mat is certainly for everyone and beginners welcome.
It’s a pure reformer workout! For the lovers of reformer who flock to our Reformer classes for flow classical orders, creative variations and body-changing results.
It’s for all.
The work with the Reformer is essentially good for everyone of all ages and abilities: from professional sportspeople to improve performance to people in rehabilitation or women during and after pregnancy.
This is a 1:1 session, whilst working through your own individualised programs under supervision. Suitable for anyone wanting to enhance your Pilates training, recovering from injury, pre/post-natal and also supplement other fitness training.
Instructor will be able to cue, spot and support your unique style of learning as well as cater to any injuries or physical requirements.
I pride myself on creating a warm atmosphere free of judgement or competition.
This is a group session shared with 1-3 max with others, whilst still working through your own individualised programs under supervision. Suitable for anyone wanting to enhance your Pilates training, recovering from injury, pre/post-natal and also supplement other fitness training.
Duet private class are perfect for couples, family members and friends who want a personalised experience with an individualised program. Working out with two is more fun.
Two clients need to book together for this class. Duet classes are available on request.
Barre is a group class which is so much fun with a combo of Pilates mixed with ballet, dance and aerobics, moving to great uplifting music. It’s for everyone.
No experience is not a problem! We will certainly have fun and a few laughs with our community of strong women. Small classes, but newbies welcome, if there’s space.
Remedial massage or ‘soft tissue therapy’ is a great way to maintain flexibility and alleviate the aches and pains of daily life, whether they are from training load or just sitting at your desk. It focuses on realigning deeper layers of muscles and connective tissue.
Techniques such as trigger point, cross fibre friction and stretching may be used. Depending on your individual needs a deep tissue treatment may include the use of Vacuum Cupping or dry needling. The use of these techniques can mobilie restricted myofascial tissue to restore mobility and assist in restoration of joint range of motion. Massage will treat problems that produce pain, stress and muscular tension, especially for chronically tense and contracted areas such as stiff necks, low back tightness and sore shoulders and much more.
Soothing treatment to help fluid retention and congestion, stimulates the body’s lymphatic circulation, responsible for removing waste aiding the body’s defence. It also assists with sinusitis, digestive ailments and healing after surgery.
A soothing, non invasive and relaxing massage to help us cope in today’s hectic lifestyle with the influences of stress, unbalanced food intake and environmental factors.
The basic concept of this treatment is to stimulate the body’s lymphatic system, which is responsible for removing foreign bodies and waste that inevitably get into our circulatory system. The lymphatic system is a major part of our immune system, that pumps lymph (a clear fluid) through nodes that filter and clean our circulatory system.
This type of massage reduces fluid retention causing undesirable weight and measure gains, assists with congestion, sinusitis, digestive ailments and post surgery healing. In conjunction, with decongestive therapy, it is an effective treatment for lymphedema.
Email me to book for this treatment, as first appointment needs 75mins.
Excellent posture is something we all desire, everyone’s mother chided them about it, and it seems illusive in modern office culture. But, there is hope. Pilates is designed to strengthen, stretch and align. First you will strengthen the abdominals and muscles around the spine, giving your spine the support it has been craving. Then you will stretch the shoulders, chest and upper back, opening the shoulders that so often roll forward, finding space through the chest, and mobilizing the often frozen thoracic spine. Last, teaching your body to stand in a healthy alignment using your new mobility and strength to feel supported in great posture.
Yoga is a spiritually based movement practice that uses breathing, meditation, chanting, stretching and careful control of the body by focusing the mind to achieve enlightenment. There are many different types of yoga, the most popular types of yoga use the technique of moving slowly into a pose and holding the pose while taking slow deep breathes in order to achieve a quieting of the mind.
Pilates is a secular movement practice (meaning it has no religous affilliation) and uses breathing, stretching and careful control of the body by focusing the mind. Pilates focuses on abdominal strengthening and functional use of the muscles and joints. There is a large focus on anatomy and learning how to feel and differentiate different muscles in order to achieve healthy and strong hip joints, shoulders and spine. Pilates uses the ideas of stability and mobility to teach practitioners how to keep themselves from being injured even when they are doing very complex actions (like ballet or kite surfing) and the focus is fitness.
Pronounced (Pi-la-tes) Pilates is an exercise technique that focuses on strengthening the trunk muscles and creating long strong muscles in the arms and legs. Pilates is an exercise methodology developed by Mr. Joseph Pilates and his wife Clara. The Method focuses on controlled movements, especially using the abdominals and coordinating the breath, for this reason he originally called his method “contrology”. Mr. Pilates ran his New York studio where he trained many dancers and others from approx. 1925 well into the 1960s until his death in 1967 at the age of 83.
Modern Pilates focuses on teaching people healthy biomechanics while using the traditional Pilates vocabulary of movements. The Pilates method is touted as a way to create longer leaner muscles, improve posture, strengthen the spine and reduce incidence of disc herniations and is a sure-fire way to a great butt and toned arms.
Reformer– The Pilates reformer is the most popular piece of Pilates equipment. It is a flat bed that slides back and forth, and the resistance can be changed by using more springs or fewer springs. There are many makes of the equipment now ranging form super classical models that follow the original blueprint from Joseph Pilates, to super modern versions, with modifications for physical therapy and new exercises. The largest producers of Pilates equipment are: Balanced Body which we have in the studio.
Cadillac– The cadillac is a long table with springs attached to either side, and bars that attach to the springs. Many therapeutic exercises are performed on this piece of equipment. Great for spinal mobility and strength.
Chair– The chair is a small versatile piece of equipment preferred by many gyms or for home use.
Barrel– This equipment is primarily used for stretching and moving in all planes of movement, although there are great ab exercises here like all the other equipment!
Stretchy fitted clothes that are comfortable, cool and allow you to move freely are best. Baggy is a problem in Pilates as well as yoga classes because it can be too revealing, and because an instructor must be able to see your alignment and muscle use.
Pilates and Yoga are done barefoot or with gripsocks which we highly recommend, especially for private sessions or Barre Attack.
Water bottle and/or small towel are highly recommended.
Please make sure your phone is off, whilst in class!
Barre Disc-o group exercise class, is done standing for half the class using weights and the other half on the mat, with modifications given. Very safe for pregnancy.
Pregnant women are also welcome to do an individualised 1:1 Pilates session with a instructor to plan a program especially for you and your baby. Every pregnancy is different for all, so very customised to what you need to be supported throughout this precious time of pregnancy.
Book and attend group classes from the class schedule. The more you can commit to a few times a week, better the results, consistency is the key. You only have one body to live in!
Privates have to be booked a regular ongoing spot for you, so to have a spot. This is specially reserved for you, where you are committed to you pilates regime weekly, to achieve an outcome.